How to add Jenkins slave with Jenkins master, jenkins master-slave architecture

How to add Jenkins slave machine with Jenkins Master

Introduction Jenkins is a popular pipeline tool. It is extensively used for creating CI (continuous integration) pipelines. Not only CI pipeline, Jenkins can be used for CD (Continuous Delivery) pipeline also. Together we can say Jenkins is used for creating CI/CD pipelines. In this tutorial, we will discuss Jenkins master-slave architecture. We will see how […]

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Automation of Tomcat installation – using Ansible

Automation of Tomcat installation – using Ansible

Introduction Tomcat is a popular open-source web server & servlet container. Web applications are deployed in the Tomcat web server. This article will show how to automate tomcat installation using Ansible. We will be installing Tomcat 10 in the article. If you need to install any other version of tomcat then please edit the Ansible

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tomcat installation

How to install Apache Tomcat on ubuntu – a simple & practical guide

Introduction Tomcat is one of the most popular & widely used open-source web servers. It also works as a servlet container to serve Java applications. Tomcat web server is licensed under the Apache License. Tomcat web server is written in Java language. Prerequisite To complete this tutorial, you need the below prerequisites. One ubuntu machine

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How to setup or install ELK stack on VM - a simple & practical guide

How to setup or install ELK stack on VM – a simple & practical guide

Introduction ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana) is one of the most powerful monitoring tools available in the market. ELK stack is a combination of 3 open-source software: Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana. Since ELK stack is offered by Elastic company so this stack is also called Elastic stack. Elasticsearch – it is a search &

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kubernetes commands

9 important Kubernetes Commands – kubectl commands

Introduction Kubernetes is one of the most popular container orchestration platforms. Kubernetes was originally developed by Google, but currently, it is maintained by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). If you would like some detailed high-level information about Kubernetes, please head over to the below article. Introduction to Kubernetes | Background of Kubernetes In this article,

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Jenkins pipeline script to deploy infrastructure using Terraform

Jenkins pipeline script to deploy infrastructure using Terraform

Introduction Automation is very important nowadays. Infrastructure as a code has already automated the manual deployment of infrastructure. But if we want to achieve further automation, we can think of a pipeline. We need to just trigger the pipeline and this pipeline will take care of the various steps and execute them in the proper

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Java installation on Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS - a simple & practical guide

Java installation on Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS – a simple & practical guide

Introduction Java is an object-oriented programming language. Using java we can develop mobile application, web application, enterprise application, normal Java application etc. Tech companies use Java to develop various software (e.g., web servers). When it comes to running all those Java based applications, they require Java to be installed as a prerequisite. And when we

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Jenkins High Availability (HA) - a simple practical guide

Jenkins High Availability (HA) – a simple & practical guide

Introduction Jenkins is one of the most popular pipeline tool. It is widely used for creating various pipeline especially in DevOps world. Popularity of Jenkins also due to the below reason – It is an open source tool. It is freely available to use. Staring from small personal project to big enterprise project, everywhere Jenkins

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Kubernetes Autoscaling using HPA, VPA & Cluster Autoscaler - a simple guide

Kubernetes Autoscaling using HPA, VPA & Cluster Autoscaler – a simple guide

Introduction Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool; it is one of the most powerful container orchestration tool. Kubernetes gives us lot of benefits, but one of the most important benefit is scaling. For a high level understanding of Kubernetes please head over to below article. Kubernetes Series: Part 1 – Introduction to Kubernetes | Background

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Monitoring Kubernetes cluster & pods using ELK stack

How to Monitor Kubernetes Cluster and Application Pods using ELK stack – a simple practical guide

Introduction Monitoring of logs and metric sets of Kubernetes environment is very crucial. And for this we should use some tool which can fetch the logs and metrics from Kubernetes cluster, and finally we can visualize them. In this article we will see how we can monitor Kubernetes cluster completely using one of most popular

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