DevOps Tools

Spinnaker, How to install Spinnaker in Kubernetes

How to Install Spinnaker on Kubernetes – Step by Step Guide

Introduction Spinnaker is an open-source Continuous Delivery (CD) platform or tool that helps us orchestrate multi-cloud deployments with ease. Using Spinnaker we can increase the speed of software delivery. For this, we will be using Minikube, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution using which we can create a one-node Kubernetes cluster (for development and testing purposes). In […]

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Istio Installation in Kubernetes

Istio Installation in Kubernetes – A Simple Practical Guide

Introduction Istio is an open-source service mesh tool that helps in managing, connecting, and securing microservices. Istio is an implementation of the service mesh concept. It was developed by Google, IBM, and Lyft and is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). In this article we will see istio installation using istioctl. Deploying/Installing

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git lfs installation and push, pull large files into GitHub

Git LFS Installation and Git LFS Push, Pull – Simple Guide

Introduction Git LFS (Large File Storage) – a revolutionary extension to Git that empowers developers to seamlessly manage large files with precision and ease. From multimedia assets to datasets and beyond, Git LFS provides a scalable solution for storing, versioning, and collaborating on files of any size. As the size of files within repositories continues

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How to install Spinnaker on VM – Step by Step Practical Guide

Introduction Spinnaker is an open-source continuous delivery platform offering a powerful solution for the Continuous Delivery (CD) process. Tools like Jenkins is majorly used for the Continuous Integration (CI) process (automation of the build & testing). But coming to Spinnaker, it is specially used for the CD process. Also, Spinnaker is a cloud-agnostic tool, which

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Docker vs Docker Compose vs Docker Swarm – Let’s Compare

Docker vs Docker Compose vs Docker Swarm – Let’s Compare

Introduction Docker, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm: three products come under the umbrella of Docker, Inc. Selecting the right one, however, demands a clear understanding of their distinct strengths and limitations. This guide explains each of these tools and dissects each tool’s suitability for various use cases. Docker Docker is one of the products of

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Kubernetes service, container orchestration tools ECS vs EKS

Container Orchestration Platforms – AWS ECS vs AWS EKS

Introduction In the cloud-native landscape, containers and container orchestration platforms play a crucial role. Container Orchestration platforms manage containerized applications. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers two major options for container orchestration which are Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). In this article we will dissect the core of each platform, revealing their

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Kubernetes Objects and Their Manifest File

15 Types of Kubernetes Objects With Their Manifest Files

Introduction Kubernetes is the leading open-source container orchestration tool in today’s market (as of 16th Feb 2023) that is used to automate deployment, scaling, management, etc. Speaking about the working of Kubernetes, fundamentally it is an API-driven system. Kubernetes uses API to manage containerized workloads. This API-driven approach allows us to define/deploy/manage deployable components as

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production grade ELK stack in VM set up - monitoring, observability

Production Grade ELK Stack on VM – a Simple High Level Guide

Introduction ELK stack or Elastic stack is a popular monitoring tool. It is the combination of 3 open-source software: Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana. ELK stack is popular for its log management & analysis capability, observability, etc. ELK stack can collect, store & analyze logs, and metrics data in real time. Elasticsearch – It is the

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Kubernetes networking - a simple guide

Kubernetes Networking – Traffic Flow from Internet to Application Pod

Introduction Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. To understand the workings of a Kubernetes cluster deeply we must understand how networking works inside the cluster. Kubernetes networking is the invisible glue that holds your containerized applications together. In this article, we will discuss how

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Jenkins user authentication using LDAP - a simple guide

Jenkins user authentication using LDAP – a simple guide

Introduction Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps you automate the build, test, and deployment of your software. One of the most important aspects of Jenkins is user authentication. By default, Jenkins uses a built-in user database to store user credentials. However, you can also configure Jenkins to use LDAP for user authentication. LDAP

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