Spinnaker, How to install Spinnaker in Kubernetes

How to Install Spinnaker on Kubernetes – Step by Step Guide

Last Updated on June 5, 2024 by cscontents


Spinnaker is an open-source Continuous Delivery (CD) platform or tool that helps us orchestrate multi-cloud deployments with ease. Using Spinnaker we can increase the speed of software delivery. For this, we will be using Minikube, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution using which we can create a one-node Kubernetes cluster (for development and testing purposes).

In this article, we’ll see how to deploy Spinnaker in a Minikube. Using minikube we can easily create a one-node Kubernetes cluster. If you have access to AWS EKS, AKS, GKE, etc. then it is fine, otherwise you can keep up your leaning with minikube.


If you want to install Spinnaker on a VM, please follow this article – https://cscontents.com/how-to-install-spinnaker/

High-Level Steps to Install and Configure Spinnaker

Below is a simple flow diagram to simply the installation of Spinnaker.

spinnaker installation on Kubernetes / minikube

  • Section 1: Installation of Halyard
    • In this section, we will install Halyard, which is a command line tool. Spinnaker deployment and configuration are managed using Halyard. Installation of Spinnaker can be done without using Halyard, but it is recommended to use Halyard to install Spinnaker. There are two ways Halyard can be installed.
      • Installing locally on a Debian/Ubuntu machine.
      • Running as a docker container.
  • Section 2: Configure Halyard
    • Configure Halyard with the Provider/Platform for Spinnaker – In Spinnaker “provider” is the platform (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCE, Kubernetes, etc.) on which applications will be deployed by the Spinnaker. In this step, the credentials of the target platform are configured in Spinnaker. Those credentials of the target platform are called “Accounts” in Spinnaker. Spinnaker uses those credentials (or Account information) to deploy applications into that platform. Below is the list of supported providers.
    • Configure Halyard to specify in what type of environment Spinnaker will be installed – the recommended environment is “distributed” for Kubernetes. Distributed installations are for those who deal with large resource footprints and can’t afford downtime during updates of Spinnaker. Below are the supported methods –
    • Configure External Storage or Persistent Storage for Spinnaker – in Spinnaker we need to configure some external storage (persistent) where Spinnaker will be storing application settings and configured pipelines. Below are the supported storage solutions.
    • Choose the Spinnaker version to be installed – here, we specify which version of Spinnaker will be installed by the Halyard (hal).
  • Section 3: Deploy Spinnaker
    • In this section, Spinnaker is deployed using Halyard (hal). In section 2, hal is configured with all the required information.
    • Finally, we need to verify the Spinnaker installation. For this, we can check the Spinnaker pods or services.

Prerequisites for this Guide

To complete this guide, you need to fulfill the below prerequisite.

  • One Linux machine is required – in our case, we will be using a Ubuntu machine.
  • Minikube Cluster – In this guide, we will be installing Spinnaker in a Minikube cluster. In our case, we will be using Minikube cluster that is installed on an Ubuntu machine.
  • MinIO (persistent storage) – we will be using MinIO as a persistent storage solution instead of any cloud-provided storage solution. In our case, we will be installing MinIO on the same host machine (Ubuntu) where minikube is installed.

Minikube Cluster Creation

Minikube cluster (a one-node Kubernetes cluster) is a good option for development, testing & learning purposes.

The below article has a step-by-step guide to installing minikube,


Special Note: Since in this guide we will be deploying Spinnaker in the minikube cluster, so we need to start the minikube with sufficient CPU and RAM so that Spinnaker can run in the minikube cluster smoothly.

The recommendation is, running minikube cluster with 4 CPU and 8 GB of RAM.

If you have followed the above article, please come back here, and start you minikube cluster using the below command.

minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192

MinIO Installation

We will be using MinIO as a persistent storage solution for Spinnaker, MinIO will be used by the Spinnaker to store application settings and pipeline configuration related data. Follow the below article to install MinIO on an Ubuntu machine.


Spinnaker Installation on Kubernetes (Minikube)

Below is the practical implementation of the above high-level steps. Follow the steps mentioned below in the same order to install Spinnaker on minikube. We suggest you please go through the above high level steps to get good understanding of the installation process before moving to the practical section.

Section 1: Installation of Halyard

Follow the below steps to install Halyard on the host machine (Ubuntu) where minikube cluster is running.

Step 1: Download the Halyard installation script

Execute the below curl command to download the script.

curl -s -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spinnaker/halyard/master/install/debian/InstallHalyard.sh
Step 2: Install Halyard (hal)

In this step we install Halyard by using the downloaded script.

sudo bash InstallHalyard.sh
Step 3: Verify the installation of Halyard

Execute the below command to check the version of halyard (hal).

hal -v



You can check the status of Halyard (hal) by running the below command.

sudo service halyard status

If you see halyard is not running or status is inactive, then you can run the below command to start the halyard.

sudo service halyard start

Section 2: Configure Halyard (hal) to install Spinnaker

In this section, we will configure halyard to install Spinnaker.

Step 1: Create a Service Account and Token in the target Kubernetes cluster

In our case, we plan to deploy application in the same minikube cluster where Spinnaker will be deployed. So, we will create a service account and token for that account in that minikube cluster.

Step 1.1: Create a Namespace

Creating namespace in the target Kubernetes cluster is the first step. Execute the below command to create a namespace. We will call it “spinnaker”.

kubectl create ns spinnaker


namespace/spinnaker created
Step 1.2: Create a Service Account

In this step we will create a service account. We will create this service account using YAML manifest file.

Run the below command to create a new YAML file in the editor.

vi spinnaker-account.yaml

Copy and paste the below content in the spinnaker-account.yaml file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: spinnaker-account
  namespace: spinnaker

Finally, save that file and run the below command.

kubectl apply -f spinnaker-account.yaml


serviceaccount/spinnaker-account created

To validate the service account creation, execute the below command.

kubectl get serviceaccounts -n spinnaker


NAME                SECRETS   AGE
default             0         3m54s
spinnaker-account   0         57s
Step 1.3: Create a Token for the Service Account

In the previous step we have created a service account. Now we need to create a secret/token for that service account. We will do it using a YAML manifest file.

Run the below command to open a new file in the editor.

vi spinnaker-account-token.yaml

Copy & paste the below content in that file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  namespace: spinnaker
  name: spinnaker-account-token
    kubernetes.io/service-account.name: spinnaker-account
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token

Finally save the file and run the below command to apply it to create the secret.

kubectl apply -f spinnaker-account-token.yaml


secret/spinnaker-account-token created

To validate the creation of secret, run the below command.

kubectl get secrets -n spinnaker


NAME                      TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
spinnaker-account-token   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3      38s
Step 2: Add Provide/Platform in Halyard and configure credentials

In our case we want our Spinnaker to deploy applications in the same Kubernetes cluster (minikube) where it will be running.

hal config provider kubernetes enable


+ Get current deployment
+ Edit the kubernetes provider
Validation in default:
- WARNING You have not yet selected a version of Spinnaker to
? Options include:
  - 1.33.0
  - 1.32.4
  - 1.31.3

Validation in default.provider.kubernetes:
- WARNING Provider kubernetes is enabled, but no accounts have been

+ Successfully enabled kubernetes

Now, we need to add an account using which Spinnaker will be able to connect with the provider/platform and deploy application.

Lets call account name as “spinnaker-account”.

hal config provider kubernetes account add spinnaker-account --context $(kubectl config current-context)


+ Get current deployment
+ Add the spinnaker-account account
Validation in default:
- WARNING You have not yet selected a version of Spinnaker to
? Options include:
  - 1.33.0
  - 1.32.4
  - 1.31.3

+ Successfully added account spinnaker-account for provider

The below command will list the service account configured in hal.

hal config provider kubernetes account list

Note: If due to any unexpected reason you have to delete that account for troubleshooting any issue, in that case you can run the below command to delete that added account from hal.

hal config provider kubernetes account delete <account-name>
Step 3: Configure Halyard to specify the environment in which Spinnaker will be installed

We will be using “distributed” environment which is the recommended for installing Spinnaker in Kubernetes.

Execute the below command,

hal config deploy edit --type distributed --account-name spinnaker-account


+ Get current deployment
+ Get the deployment environment
+ Edit the deployment environment
Validation in default:
- WARNING You have not yet selected a version of Spinnaker to
? Options include:
  - 1.33.0
  - 1.32.4
  - 1.31.3

+ Successfully updated your deployment environment.
Step 4: Configure External storage (persistent storage) for Spinnaker

For this installation we will be using MinIO as a persistent storage solution for Spinnaker. MinIO is AWS s3 equivalent object storage.

In the above prerequisite section, we have already discussed on how to install MinIO on local Ubuntu machine. If you are planning to use MinIO, please make sure your MinIO server is up & running.

If you have installed MinIO by following this article -> MinIO installation, you check the /etc/default/minio file, there we have two parameters –

  • MINIO_ROOT_USER – it is equivalent to “access-key-id” of MinIO
  • MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD – it is equivalent to "secret-access-key" of MinIO

In our case,

MINIO_ROOT_USER is “minioadmin”.

MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD is “miniopassword”.

Endpoint is Here, we are using public IP of that machine where MinIO is installed.

Now, we need to run the below command to provide “access-key-id”, “secret-access-key” and “endpoint”.

hal config storage s3 edit --access-key-id minioadmin --secret-access-key --endpoint

In our case,

  • access-key-id: We are passing it in the command.
  • secret-access-key: we are passing it via STDIN for security reason, it is better not to hardcode the secret-access-key in the CLI command.
  • endpoint:

Once we run the above command, it will ask for entering the “AWS Secret Key”, there you need to enter the minio secret-access-key and press “Enter”.


Your AWS Secret Key.:
+ Get current deployment
+ Get persistent store
Generated bucket name: spin-b637fc83-9816-45a5-933a-d7c49849f9ab
+ Edit persistent store
Validation in default.persistentStorage:
- WARNING Your deployment will most likely fail until you configure
  and enable a persistent store.

Validation in default:
- WARNING You have not yet selected a version of Spinnaker to
? Options include:
  - 1.33.0
  - 1.32.4
  - 1.31.3

+ Successfully edited persistent store "s3".

In the above, we have edited the s3 configuration in hal.

Now, we need to specify s3 as persistent storage in the hal configuration. For this run the below command.

hal config storage edit --type s3


+ Get current deployment
+ Get persistent storage settings
+ Edit persistent storage settings
Validation in default:
- WARNING You have not yet selected a version of Spinnaker to
? Options include:
  - 1.33.0
  - 1.32.4
  - 1.31.3

+ Successfully edited persistent storage.
Step 5: Choose the Spinnaker version

In this step, we will specify which version of Spinnaker we want to install using Halyard (hal).

Execute the below command to check the available Spinnaker version.

hal version list


+ Get current deployment
+ Get Spinnaker version
+ Get released versions
+ You are on version "", and the following are available:
 - 1.31.3 (v1.31.3):
   Changelog: https://spinnaker.io/changelogs/1.31.3-changelog/
   Published: Tue Nov 28 08:09:43 UTC 2023
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.45)
 - 1.32.4 (v1.32.4):
   Changelog: https://spinnaker.io/changelogs/1.32.4-changelog/
   Published: Fri Mar 08 22:37:49 UTC 2024
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.45)
 - 1.33.0 (v1.33.0):
   Changelog: https://spinnaker.io/changelogs/1.33.0-changelog/
   Published: Fri Jan 05 05:59:53 UTC 2024
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.45)

We will install Spinnaker version 1.31.3

As mentioned in the output for version 1.31.3, it requires Halyard >= 1.45

In our case, Halyard version is 1.63.0

Now, execute the below command to set the Spinnaker version.

hal config version edit --version 1.31.3


+ Get current deployment
+ Edit Spinnaker version
+ Spinnaker has been configured to update/install version "1.31.3".
  Deploy this version of Spinnaker with `hal deploy apply`.

Section 3: Deploy Spinnaker

In this section we will deploy Spinnaker using hal.

Step 1: Deploy Spinnaker using hal

Before deploying Spinnaker using hal, please change the ownership of the ~/.kube/config file and files under ~/.minikube/profiles/minikube/ directory.

chmod 777 ~/.kube/config


chmod -R 777 ~/.minikube/profiles/minikube/

Execute the below command to deploy Spinnaker.

hal deploy apply


+ Get current deployment
+ Prep deployment
Validation in default.stats:
- INFO Stats are currently ENABLED. Usage statistics are being
  collected. Thank you! These stats inform improvements to the product, and that
  helps the community. To disable, run `hal config stats disable`. To learn more
  about what and how stats data is used, please see

Validation in default.security:
- WARNING Your UI or API domain does not have override base URLs
  set even though your Spinnaker deployment is a Distributed deployment on a
  remote cloud provider. As a result, you will need to open SSH tunnels against
  that deployment to access Spinnaker.
? We recommend that you instead configure an authentication
  mechanism (OAuth2, SAML2, or x509) to make it easier to access Spinnaker
  securely, and then register the intended Domain and IP addresses that your
  publicly facing services will be using.

+ Preparation complete... deploying Spinnaker
+ Get current deployment
- Apply deployment
+ Apply deployment
+ Deploy spin-redis
+ Deploy spin-clouddriver
+ Deploy spin-front50
+ Deploy spin-orca
+ Deploy spin-deck
+ Deploy spin-echo
+ Deploy spin-gate
+ Deploy spin-rosco
+ Run `hal deploy connect` to connect to Spinnaker.
Step 2: Connect with Spinnaker (or) Access Spinnaker UI

In the previous step, we successfully deployed spinnaker.

Now there are two cases.

Case 1:

You have deployed Spinnaker in any Kubernetes cluster which is running in any cloud platform. In that case, you will see external IP (loadbalancer IP) allocated to your Spinnaker services. To check the external IP of the Spinnaker services, run the below command,

kubectl get svc -n spinnaker

Output: In our case we deployed spinnaker on a minikube so it’s services does not have external IP.

NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
spin-clouddriver   ClusterIP    <none>        7002/TCP   122m
spin-deck          ClusterIP    <none>        9000/TCP   122m
spin-echo          ClusterIP    <none>        8089/TCP   122m
spin-front50       ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP   122m
spin-gate          ClusterIP    <none>        8084/TCP   122m
spin-orca          ClusterIP    <none>        8083/TCP   122m
spin-redis         ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP   122m
spin-rosco         ClusterIP    <none>        8087/TCP   122m

Case 2:

Now, if we want to access the Spinnaker from localhost (where Halyard or hal is running), then we need to run the below ‘hal deploy connect’ command. It will connect the Halyard or hal (Spinnaker CLI tool) with the Spinnaker services (that are running inside the kubernetes cluster).

sudo hal deploy connect


+ Get current deployment
+ Connect to Spinnaker deployment.
Forwarding from -> 8084
Forwarding from -> 9000
Forwarding from [::1]:8084 -> 8084
Forwarding from [::1]:9000 -> 9000

Spinnaker has various components, among all those components Deck and Gate are two crucial components.

  • Deck is the UI component of Spinnaker. It uses port 9000.
  • Gate is the API Gateway of Spinnaker. It uses port 8084.

In our case, we have GUI installed in the Ubuntu machine (where Halyard or hal is running), so we are able to access the Spinnaker UI using the browser of the same machine.

Spinnaker installation

Step 3: Check the Spinnaker Pods for validation (Optional)

In the previous steps, we have deployed and connected with Spinnaker. For validation purpose, we will check the deployed spinnaker pods.

To get Spinnaker pods,

kubectl get pods -n spinnaker


NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
spin-clouddriver-99566fc5b-4jwgs   1/1     Running   0               119s
spin-deck-6589bff876-s99t2         1/1     Running   1 (4m44s ago)   118m
spin-echo-59ff774c5f-7974m         1/1     Running   1 (29m ago)     118m
spin-front50-5dcc747858-br9dv      1/1     Running   1 (29m ago)     66m
spin-gate-5d475c7696-dcklz         1/1     Running   1 (29m ago)     118m
spin-orca-6c4f9dc785-q8j24         1/1     Running   1 (29m ago)     118m
spin-redis-c798c5c7c-pvsbx         1/1     Running   1 (29m ago)     118m
spin-rosco-7c78d88d8d-vtc2r        1/1     Running   1 (29m ago)     118m


Finally, in this step by step guide we have seen how to deploy spinnaker in Kubernetes. For this demo, we have used a minikube cluster. You can use same the steps to deploy spinnaker in other Kubernetes cluster. Just try to understand the high level installation flow first and then go through the steps one by one.

Reference Documents

Thank you.

If you are interested in learning DevOps, please have a look at the below articles, which will help you greatly.