How to install JBoss EAP – step-by-step guide

How to install JBoss EAP – Step by Step Practical Guide

Introduction JBoss EAP is one of the most popular Java EE-based application server runtime platforms. It is written in Java and developed by Red Hat. Welcome to this comprehensive guide on installing JBoss EAP (Enterprise Application Platform), a powerful and versatile Java EE application server. JBoss EAP provides a robust foundation for developing, deploying, and […]

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jenkins pipeline script to Build & deploy app on web server

Jenkins pipeline script to build & deploy application on web server

Introduction In this article we will discuss automation of application deployment on a web server using Jenkins pipeline. We will use Jenkins pipeline as a script. Jenkins pipeline as script can be of two types declarative type & scripted type. Here, we will use declarative Jenkins pipeline script. Prerequisite Knowledge Git, GitHub Building java application

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jenkins pipeline script to build and push artifacts into repository

Jenkins pipeline script to build Java application and push artifacts into repository

Introduction In this article we will discuss on building one sample Java application and pushing the build artifacts into JFrog artifactory using Jenkins pipeline script (declarative). Prerequisite Before starting we assume you have knowledge on – Jenkins pipeline as a script Java application build using maven Git, GitHub Repository like JFrog artifactory, nexus etc. If

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automation of application platform building using terraform, ansible & jenkins

Automation of application platform building using Terraform, Ansible & Jenkins – Ideas

Introduction Automation of platform building is one of the key areas which helps to bring production grade application live comparably must faster. And automation also enables reusability. So, it might be painful at the initial stage to develop the automated solution but in the long run you will be benefited. When we speak about any

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Fundamentals of Cloud Networking

Fundamentals of Cloud Networking – Let’s Learn the Basics

Introduction In this post we will discuss various important network terminology and concept in cloud networking (especially Azure and AWS related terminologies). Virtual Network (VNET)/ Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) VNET or Virtual network = Virtual + Network, i.e., Virtual network is network which is virtual. Virtual – “virtual” word is used in the context of

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Java installation through automation - using Ansible

Automation of Java installation – using Ansible

Introduction Automation is the key aspect in DevOps methodology. It helps in faster software delivery. Developing an automated solution always takes more time at the initial stage, but we all know how it benefits us in the future. In this article we will see automation of java installation using ansible. Prerequisite Hands-on knowledge of Ansible

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How to use ansible vault to encrypt sensitive information, playbook, inventory

How to use Ansible Vault to encrypt sensitive information, playbook, inventory

Introduction to Ansible Vault Ansible vault is a feature of Ansible which help us to encrypt sensitive information (e.g., credential, key etc.), playbook (YAML file), inventory file etc. Ansible Vault uses ansible-vault command line tool. We can use this command line tool to encrypt, decrypt files. Prerequisite of using ansible vault is we need to

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